Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Above: The iron candelabra placed throughout the galleries of The Cloisters are decked with boxwood, ivy, apples, roses, and holly from mid-December until early January. This year’s decorations will be on view through Sunday, January 2. Photograph by Andrew Winslow.
???Deirdre Larkin and the staff of The Cloisters Museum & Gardens
Tags: apples, boxwood, holly, ivy, roses
Posted in The Medieval Calendar | Comments (2)
Friday, December 10, 2010
The calendar pages of medieval Books of Hours were embellished with illuminations depicting the traditional labors or activities associated with the month. Above, two folios showing the activities for December, from the Psalter and Hours of Bonne of Luxembourg, Duchess of Normandy. The Cloisters Collection, 1969. (69.86). (See the Collection Database to learn more about this work of art.) In the detail shown in the center, a man prepares to deal the death stroke to a boar; the detail on the right shows a man cutting firewood with an ax. (The cutting and gathering of firewood is a minor labor, sometimes shown as a late autumn or early winter activity.)
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Tags: arches, boar, book of hours, firewood, garland, wreath
Posted in The Medieval Calendar | Comments (0)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Above, from left to right: Saint Barbara (detail), mid-15th century, French, Gift of Mr. Edward G. Sparrow, 1950 (50.159); Detail of Saint Barbara from The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels, 1440???46, The Cloisters Collection, 1937 (37.52.1); Saint Barbara (detail), ca. 1490, German, The Cloisters Collection, 1955 (55.166).
Although Saint Barbara is not mentioned in early martyrologies, hagiographies place the early Christian virgin and martyr in the third century A.D. According to The Golden Legend, a popular collection of saints’ lives dating to the thirteenth century, she was martyred on the fifth of December, during the reign of Emperor Maximianus and under the orders of Martianus, the prefect of her city of Heliopolis, in??Phoenicia. Veneration of Saint Barbara was common in both the eastern and western churches by the ninth century, and she remains a popular saint to this day, although her feast is widely celebrated on the fourth rather than the fifth of December. Read more »
Tags: Adonis, anise, Anthesteria, Barbarazweig, Barbarea, Barbarea vulgaris, barley, Eleusinian Mysteries, kykeon, Martianus, Maximianus, pomegranate, Provence, raisin, Saint Barbara, The Golden Legend, wheat, winter cress, yellow rocket
Posted in Food and Beverage Plants, The Medieval Calendar | Comments (4)