Posts Tagged ‘alkaloid’
Friday, August 24, 2012

Downy thorn apple (Datura metel) growing in a bed in Bonnefont garden devoted to plants used in medieval magic. The common name “thorn apple,” shared with other members of the genus, is derived from the character of the spiny seed capsule. Above: D. metel in bud (left) and bloom (right). This handsome, heat-loving plant flowers profusely from late July until October. Below: Semi-ripe capsule of the downy thorn apple, broken open to show the developing seeds.

The beautiful but sinister thorn apple (Datura metel) is a powerfully hallucinogenic plant employed in medieval magic as well as medicine.
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Tags: alkaloid, Datura, Datura metel, Datura stramonium, Jimson weed, Solanaceae, thorn apple, thornapple
Posted in Gardening at The Cloisters, Magical Plants, Medicinal Plants | Comments (3)
Friday, March 23, 2012

The mandrake, credited with both medicinal and magical powers over the course of many centuries, has accumulated more lore than any other plant in the Western tradition. Above: One of a colony of five spring-blooming mandrakes in Bonnefont garden. In March, this famous member of the nightshade family produces tight clusters of short-stemmed bell-shaped flowers.
Mandrake (mandragora) is hot and a little bit watery. It grew from the same earth which formed Adam, and resembles the human a bit. Because of its similarity to the human, the influence of the devil appears in it and stays with it, more than with other plants. Thus a person’s good or bad desires are accomplished by means of it, just as happened formerly with idols he made. When mandrake is dug from the earth, it should be placed in a spring immediately, for a day and a night, so that every evil and contrary humor is expelled from it, and it has no more power for magic or phantasms.
???Hildegard of Bingen, Physica (translated by Patricia Throop)
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Tags: alkaloid, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Dioscorides, Hildegard of Bingen, John Gerard, Mandragora, Mandragora autumnalis, Mandragora officinarum, mandrake, nightshade, Pliny
Posted in Gardening at The Cloisters, Magical Plants, Medicinal Plants | Comments (10)
Friday, April 8, 2011

Guinea-hen flower (Fritillaria meleagris) blooming in Bonnefont garden; both the common name and the botanical name of this European flowering bulb refer to the fancied resemblance of the checkered bell to the plumage of the African guineafowl (Numidia meleagris). Photograph by Corey Eilhardt. See full image.
Of the facultie of these pleasant floures there is nothing set down in antient or later Writers, but [they] are greatly esteemed for the beautifying of our gardens, and the bosoms of the beautifull.
???”Of Turkie or Ginnie-Hen Floure” from The Herbal or Generall Historie of Plants
The English names of this curious flowering bulb were derived from the resemblance of its distinctive markings to those of the African guineafowl, imported into Europe from Turkey. John Gerard’s remarks clearly indicate that he knew the plant only as a rare and choice ornamental introduced into English flower gardens, including his own. He considered their native country to be France, where he knew them to grow wild near Orleans and Lyons. Read more »
Tags: African guineafowl, alkaloid, Flos meleagris, Fritillaria, Fritillaria meleagris, fritillary, fritillus, Geoffrey Grigson, Guinea-hen flower, John Gerard, Numidia meleagris, Rembert Dodoens
Posted in Gardening at The Cloisters | Comments (2)
Friday, June 4, 2010

Horned poppy (Glaucium flavum) flowering in Bonnefont Garden in a sunny bed devoted to medicinal plants. Like other members of the poppy family, the horned poppy contains poisonous alkaloids.
The yellow horned poppy hath whitish leaves very much cut or jagged, somewhat like the leaves of garden Poppie, but rougher and more hairie. The stalks be long, round, and brittle. The floures be large and yellow, consisting of foure leaves; which being past, there come long huskes or cods, crooked like an horn or cornet, wherein is conteined small black seede. The roote is great, thicke, scalie, and rough, continuing long.
???John Gerard (1545???1612)
The Elizabethan herbalist John Gerard???s meticulous description of the plant which he names in Latin as Papaver cornutum flore luteo, “the horned poppy with the yellow flower,” was based on personal observation. He notes that it “groweth upon the sands and banks of the sea,” and lists the many places along the English coast where he found it growing. Read more »
Tags: alkaloid, Dioscorides, Eryngium maritimum, Geoffrey Grigson, Glaucium flavum, Hortus Sanitatis, John Gerard, poppy, sea holly, sea poppy
Posted in Medicinal Plants | Comments (1)