Posts Tagged ‘steam’

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Weed Control

Anagalis arvensis is a weed that produces an advanced root system to ensure its survival. Datura stramonium relies primarily on seed for reproduction.

Left: Anagallis arvensis, a weed that produces an advanced root system to ensure its survival; right: Datura stramonium, a vigorous weed that relies primarily on seed for reproduction.

A weed is defined in the most simple manner??as a plant growing in an area where it is unwanted. This could apply to a garden, a farm, or any possible landscape where a plant may appear. Plants may be considered unwanted based on ornamental value or??their competitiveness with desired plants. Plants within the same community often compete for water, nutrients, and physical space. Unfortunately,??it is the weed that most often wins, followed by a??reduction in??crop yields and garden aesthetics. It is in these situations, that weed control is most often practiced. Read more »