Friday, March 5, 2010
Above, from left to right: Detail of the activity for the month from the March calendar page of The Hours of Jeanne d’??vreux, ca. 1324???28; detail of the activity for March from the Belles Heures of Jean of France, duc de Berry, 1405???1408/1409; detail of the zodiacal symbol Aries from The Hours of Jeanne d’??vreux. See the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History to learn more about manuscript illumination in Northern Europe, or see special exhibitions for information about the exhibition “The Art of Illumination: The Limbourg Brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry” (on view at the Main Building March 2 through June 13, 2010).
The month of March marked the return to work in the fields for the medieval peasant, and the pruning, cultivation, and manuring of the vines was the first task of the agricultural year???these essential chores constitute the activity almost always chosen to represent March in medieval calendars. (The spring ploughing of the fields might be shown instead in books of hours made in locales where wine was not produced.) Read more »
Tags: Belles Heures, book of hours, calendar, Jeanne d?????vreux, March
Posted in The Medieval Calendar | Comments (2)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Above, from left to right: Detail of the activity for the month from the February calendar page of ??The Hours of Jeanne d’??vreux, ca. 1324???28; detail of the activity for February from the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry, 1405???1408/1409; detail of the zodiacal symbol Pisces from The Hours of Jeanne d’??vreux. See the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History to learn more about manuscript illumination in Northern Europe, or see special exhibitions for information about the exhibition “The Art of Illumination: The Limbourg Brothers and the Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry” (on view at the Main Building March 2 through June 13, 2010).
In the medieval calendar tradition, the month of February is frequently represented by a solitary male figure seated before a fire; he may or may not be cooking his meal as he warms himself. A table set with a few dishes is sometimes placed by the fire, a variant on the theme of feasting common to both January and February. (See “The January Feast,” January 15, 2010). Read more »
Tags: Belles Heures, book of hours, calendar, February, Jeanne d?????vreux, winter
Posted in The Medieval Calendar | Comments (2)
Friday, January 9, 2009

Above left to right: Calendar page from The Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry, 1405???1408/1409. Pol, Jean, and Herman de Limbourg (Franco-Netherlandish, active in France, by 1399???1416). French; Made in Paris. The Cloisters Collection, 1954 (54.1.1). Center: Detail of the activity for the month; Right: Detail of the zodiacal symbol Aquarius. See the Collection Database to learn more about this work of art.
Januar |
By thys fyre I warme my handys; |
Februar |
And with my spade I delfe my landys. |
Marche |
Here I sette my thynge to sprynge, |
Aprile |
And here I here [hear] the fowlis synge. |
Maij |
I am as lyght as byrde on bowe, |
Junij |
And I wede my corne well I-now [enough] |
Julij |
With my sythe [scythe] my meade [meadow] my mead I [mow]; |
Auguste |
And here I shere my corne full low. |
September |
With my flayll I erne my brede, |
October |
And here I sawe [sow] my whete so rede. |
November |
At Martynesmasse I kyll my swine; |
December |
And at Cristesmasse I drynke redde wyne. |
(Bridget Henisch, The Medieval Calendar Year, 1999)
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Tags: Belles Heures, calendar, feasting, January
Posted in The Medieval Calendar | Comments (5)